Michal Galkowski
Project Member
Michal Galkowski was born in Brzesko, Poland, in 1986. He received master's degreen in Nuclear Physics in 2010 and PhD in Physics in 2015, both at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Since 2017 he is a PostDoc at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, in the Airborne Trace Gas Measurement and Mesoscale Modelling Group. His research interests are focused on bridging the gap between observations of atmospheric greenhouse gases and their the models, in particular on the regional scales. In the scope of CoCO2 he is coordinating setting up and running of a modelling framework that consists of a coupled eulerian transport model (WRF-GHG) and an analytical inversion system aimed at estimation of GHG emissions on local and regional scales. This work is done in close coordination with group investigating modern research techniques in order to improve the modelling results by assimilating local vertical profile information and radiocarbon data.