This deliverable is the second iteration of the report on the in situ and ancillary data requirements of the prototype of a Copernicus CO2 service being developed within the CoCO2 project. The goal of such a service is to provide timely estimates of carbon dioxide fluxes informed by atmospheric measurements, modelling, and additional measurements. This report aims to document the data needs of this system. The documentation of these requirements is a critical step in transitioning the project from a scientific exercise to an operational capacity, enabling the identification of data dependencies and potential weak links in the future provision of timely flux estimates. The data needs across 13 types of in situ measurements and 8 types of ancillary data products have been documented. Particular attention was paid to the timeliness requirements of the data, in addition to other specifications such as spatial coverage, temporal resolution, and where the project participants are currently accessing the various data streams.
This report builds upon the previous deliverable D7.1, but was further informed by group interviews with participants of the relevant work packages, which were conducted online.