AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie) is a modern technical university that takes active part in building a society based on knowledge while taking advantage of technologies for the purpose of economic growth and development. The university was established in 1913, but was only opened in 1919 due to the outbreak of First World War. The Environmental Physics Group (EPG), working as part of Department of Applied Nuclear Physics at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, has long-term experience in the area of atmospheric sciences and hydrology, with main focus on the application of natural isotope tracers in hydrological and atmospheric studies. The atmospheric part of the group is active in the area of greenhouse gases monitoring and budgeting both in the remote as well as urban areas. The experimental activity is also supported by atmospheric modelling, using mesoscale atmospheric models, as well as lagrangian dispersion models. EPG has been running a remote greenhouse gas observatory at Kasprowy Wierch monitoring CO2 and CH4 concentration since 1994. The mixing ratio measurements are supplemented by the analysis of isotopic composition of CO2. Apart from regional analyses based on measurements carried out at the remote, EPG is also conducting tasks aiming at the characterisation of the local carbon cycling in the Kraków agglomeration, a typical Central-European city influenced by strong anthropogenic emissions.
EPG will contribute to WP6 Integration, testing, application and initial validation of prototype systems by delivering historical and ongoing radiocarbon in CO2 data from two possible locations: Kasprowy Wierch (KAS) remote mountain station and Kraków (KRK) urban environment. For the mountain site, the data will consist of CO2 and CH4 mixing ratio, radiocarbon content in atmospheric CO2. For urban site, radiocarbon data will be delivered.