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Gregoire Broquet

Gregoire Broquet

Gregoire Broquet

WP4 Co-Leader

Gregoire Broquet has a 18-year expertise in the development and application of data assimilation systems for ocean modeling and for the atmospheric inverse modeling of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. Since 2009, he supervises at LSCE a range of activities for the monitoring of natural and anthropogenic GHG fluxes from the continental to the city / industrial site scales, based on the assimilation of in situ and satellite data. He has been involved in various projects for the preparation of the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) mission and for the development of operational CO2 emission monitoring systems.

WP4 Local and regional modelling and data assimilation
WP5 Connecting scales and uncertainties
WP6 Integration, testing, application and initial validation of prototype systems