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The summary provides an overview of the observations prepared in the framework of Task 7.5 ‘New measurement…


The gaps described in this report are reflecting the needs of modellers and model development based on previous…

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This report is the second version of a catalogue of providers of in situ observations and ancillary data needed for…

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This document reports on the work performed in Task 5.6 within the work package WP5 ‘Connecting scales and…


With the work performed here in Task 5.5 we have explored the impact of specific but reasonable choices in the…


This documents presents results from the inter-comparison of inversions of CO2 NEE surface fluxes over Europe…

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This deliverable report describes the development of the prior uncertainty dataset related to the European and…

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he global CO2 Monitoring Verification System (CO2MVS) of the Copernicus CO2 Service will use the Integrated…

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The purpose of this work is to ingest satellite observations of leaf area index (LAI), microwave vegetation optical…