The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs about 3000 scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy. We create, manage and make sense of knowledge and develop innovative tools and make them available to policy makers. JRC’s scientific work supports a whole host of EU policies in a variety of areas, including climate mitigation and environment in the directorates for climate, energy and transport as well as for sustainable resources. JRC provides scientific evidence throughout the whole policy cycle and contributes in the climate field to mitigation and adaptation under the Paris Agreement, including GHG monitoring, reporting and measuring. JRC provides observation-based evidence for verifying anthropogenic (fossil and biogenic) GHG emissions from all sectors (energy-related as well as agriculture, forestry and other land use).
JRC is co-lead for WP 2 (Offline) Prior and Ancillary Information, taking the responsibility of the global mosaic by reaching out in the international GEIA network for state-of-the-art regional emission inventories with high spatio-temporal resolution, covering all world countries. And the uncertainty assessment, by building further on the emission uncertainties and covariance matrix of the preceding project CHE.
JRC guarantees the link to the CO2 Monitoring Task Force under EC’s Copernicus Programme, and the link to the national inventory agencies in DG CLIMA’s climate change committee.