The Inversion Lab (iLab) is an SME that was founded in January 2015 by Dr. Thomas Kaminski. Mr. Michael Voßbeck is with the company from the beginning, and Dr. Wolfgang Knorr joined in January 2020.. The permanent staff is complemented by a number of senior researchers working as freelancers for individual projects. The company focuses on the development and application of advanced software systems for modelling, retrieval, data assimilation and inverse problems in general. In this area the team has gathered over 25 years of experience at various scientific institutions and companies. iLab operates the JRC-Twostream Inversion Package (JRC-TIP), an advanced retrieval system which they apply to generate biogeophysical land surface products with uncertainty ranges from site to global scales. iLab has developed the first Carbon Cycle Data Fossil Fuel Assimilation System (CCFFDAS) was a member of the teams of the GreenHouse Gas (GHG) and Sea Ice (SI) projects of ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI), lead the ESA SMOS+VEG study, which demonstrates the synergetic use of soil moisture and vegetation products in a carbon cycle data assimilation system (CCDAS).
iLab will contribute to various WPs with expertise on data assimilation and specifically on CCFFDAS and results of CCFFDAS experiments and will construct and operate process models and observation operators.