The research mission of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry is the investigation of the global biogeochemical cycles and their interaction with the climate system. The institute combines strong observational and process-based studies with global scale modelling. MPI-BGC is one of the pivotal European research institutions in its field, and as such was co-ordinating the CARBOEUROPE-IP, CarboSchools, CARBO-Extreme and IGAS projects, and is currently leading the BACI and 14Constraint projects. Moreover, the institute is strongly involved in more than ten collaborative EU projects, around 30 projects from other international (e.g. ESA) and national sources, and co-leads international collaborative efforts such as FLUXNET and the global TRY database on plant traits. Not only does the institute have an outstanding international reputation for its research success but it has a strong commitment to higher education and scientific training, housing around 60 Ph.D. students from more than 25 countries and operating the International Max Planck Research School for global Biogeochemical Cycles in cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The institute successfully maintains numerous scientific collaborations in a wide range of geographical locations and scientific disciplines, including long-term observation sites in the Arctic, and manages two large observational towers in Siberia and the Amazon.
MPG will be involved in CoCO2 through the generation of data-driven biospheric CO2 flux products and the uncertainty characterisation of biospheric priors. Atmospheric inversions will also be carried out, focussing on the regional/national level in WP4 Local and regional modelling and data assimilation. Furthermore, MPG is co-leading WP7 Observations, coordinating the use of in situ measurements.