Lund University is one of the largest research organisations in Northern Europe and has a strong profile in the environmental sciences and global change studies. It was ranked 29 in 2019 in the world for geography in the QS World University Rankings. The Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES) enjoys an international reputation as a centre for multi-disciplinary studies of ecosystem-atmosphere interactions, based both on empirical approaches and modelling. The department’s research is focusing on issues relating to the development of a predictive understanding of the impacts of changes in climate and atmospheric composition on terrestrial ecosystems and the feedback mechanisms on climate that may arise from these ecosystem processes. It hosts or contributes to the leadership of a number of excellence centres and research networks within Earth system science, including the Swedish node of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and the ICOS Carbon Portal.
Lund University co-leads WP5 Connecting scales and uncertainties contributing to LUMIA experiments on boundary conditions, simulations with WRF-CHEM, application of SDBM3 for more realistic biogenic prior error covariances and QND experiments with CCFFDAS. Lund University leads the analysis of intercomparison results and their evaluation/benchmarking.
In addition, Lund University contributes to WP2 (Offline) Prior and Ancillary Information, WP3 Global Modelling and data assimilation and WP4 Local and regional modelling and data assimilation.